Sunday, May 2, 2010

Make-Up/Break-Up is Officially De-Friended on Facebook

Well, as part of the "male surgeon diet," I have recently cut out the equivalent of a chocolate brownie volcano.  Yesterday, I de-friended make-up/break-up on Facebook. 

The age-old question as to whether we could still be friends has been answered. 

We can't.

Not even on Facebook.

For the past two weeks, I have been receiving phone calls, texts, and Facebook messages from make-up/break-up even though I made it abundantly clear that I didn't want to ever hear from him again.  I was at a board review course last week (er..."bored" review course), and every time, just when I thought I had my mind on the boards and not on him...Ding!  My iPhone would deliver a text message or a voicemail or a Facebook message.  And it was the typical stuff, he's so hurt by my behavior, he misses me, etc, etc.  But as always, I screwed up, not him, and no apology has ever been forthcoming.

I finally had enough.  I looked into blocking his phone calls (which costs a hefty $4.99 per month on AT&T--but you can block calls and texts from up to twenty people...yikes that's a lot of hating on people!).  I even looked into changing my cell phone number which I've had for nearly ten years, so it would be a major P.I.A.

But then I realized, maybe if I just de-friend him on Facebook, he'll get the picture.  Or he'll go into a rage and kill me.  But, eh?  Either way, problem solved, right?

So I de-friended him.  And he in turn has officially blocked me.  It's kind of sad in some ways--on Facebook, when you want to de-friend someone, it asks you if you're sure you want to "end the connection."  I have to say I hesitated...for just a split seemed so drastic when put into those terms.  But I haven't heard from him since, and I am in so many ways relieved to be out of ambush territory.

I'm so sick of this being so much of my life right now--I can't even imagine how sick of hearing about this you all are! 

So enough of this--chocolate brownie volcano is officially off the menu.  Eating it just made me feel gross anyways.

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