Sunday, October 24, 2010

Who Wants to Salsa?

On Friday night, I went out to drinks and dinner with some new colleagues.  They were all joined by their significant others, and, as usual, I was the single gal.

It was pleasant to meet the couples and just be out enjoying some beer and pizzas with the ALCS game in the background.  However, as dinner was winding down, it was about 9:30, and despite a long, rather trying research day in which none of my experiments worked, I wanted to go out.

One of the couples mentioned they had some really good salsa at home that they wanted to eat while watching the game.

Umm...this blew my mind.  I was actually thinking about a different kind of salsa.  You know, the kind where you sway your hips to great music, at a club.

I have to say, at that moment, I was so grateful to be single. 

Why am I trying to pledge the most boring sorority on earth?  As a single gal, every day is an incredible opportunity wrapped up as a special gift.  It's a chance to be utterly selfish.  To do what I want, when I want to, in the manner that makes me happiest.  To live life on my own terms.  No boring Friday nights at home eating salsa, unless I choose that as my fate.

I was definitely in a funk this week, and actually in the last couple weeks, as you may have noticed from the paucity of posts and especially the lack of dates. This is about the one year anniversary of the beginning of the end between me and Make-Up/Break-Up.  I've essentially been single for a full year now, and I hate the fact that I was feeling a bit down about it all last week. 


On Friday night, I realized that I currently have a freedom that is unlikely to be replicated at any point in the future.  Between a research year, friends new and old, and a fabulous new city to explore, it's time to really enjoy this, not resent it.  I think with this realization, I have finally, thankfully put the ghost of Make-Up/Break-Up to rest.

So ladies, I hate to cut this short, but I've got a life to be living right now

Who wants to salsa?

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