Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Diet Violation

After months of planning and packing, I have finally made the move to Eastern Time Zone and am getting settled in the new surroundings.  The car is out, new going out clothes, heels, and some very creative storage solutions are in.  A new city, a new set of men to explore, and hopefully, a chance to find love.

I have a confession to make...

Against my better judgment, I violated the surgeon diet.  I met an interesting, handsome, charming single surgeon.  We spent all day together, laughed and talked endlessly, explored our new city, had a few drinks, and kissed.  Perhaps I was a little too smug--he certainly seemed normal and things were going swimmingly.

Then, as so many prior male surgeons who have been part of this SingleFemaleSurgeon's life, he freaked out.

As expected, his excuses were plentiful:
Career, time, awkwardness in our small surgical field, etc, etc, etc.

The guy wouldn't even touch me the next morning.  Wouldn't call/text back.  He completely became distant and...weird!

Do we need to define a new pathological state here?  I think so.  What should we define as the signs/symptoms of disease?

-Fear of intimacy
-Inability to date normally
-Only able to hook up
-Unable to interact with females

Sound familiar?  Let's call it the Single Male Surgeon Syndrome from here on.  Anyone else have any signs and symptoms to add?

Perhaps I'm being overly harsh.  Maybe I keep making the same mistakes over and over.  Perhaps it's time to accept the fact that male surgeons just aren't my type?

Regardless, this guy needs to be left to his own devices. He clearly is unavailable and I am not into chasing unavailable men.  There was a time in my life when I was into that, but now, I'm just too sleep-deprived to deal with all of the drama.

So adios, Freaked-Out Single Male Surgeon.  Thanks for reminding me why I'm on this diet.  You were like a dose of Antabuse.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. You know better than to date a male surgeon. It takes a special man to be able to date one of us, and it's rare that a male surgeon can handle not wearing the pants ALL the time. :-)

